Adding Events

In the Events section of the Illinois app, an event:

  • Has a location (physical, online, or both)
  • Has a start time
  • Is open to the public, an invited group, or a list of members

An event does not have to have an end time to be in the app. If an end time is provided, the event will be displayed until that end time. If no end time is provided, the event will be displayed for 20 minutes after the start time.

There are three ways to add an event to the Illinois app: from Webtools, within a group in the Illinois app, or through the Illinois app admin website. The best option depends on your role.

Use the Illinois App Admin Website

Faculty and staff can use the Illinois app admin website to add events. The interface allows users to not only create events but also easily configure in-app registration, send follow-up surveys, and set up super events—collections of related sessions that can be used for open houses, festivals, conferences, and other occasions with multiple connected events.

Fill out the feedback form if you are unable to sign in to the Illinois app admin website.

Use Webtools

Webtools calendar administrators can publish events in the Illinois app through a Webtools calendar. When creating or editing an event, make sure that “Illinois Mobile App” is checked in the Sharing panel at the bottom of the screen.

If you don’t have permission to add events to a Webtools calendar, contact your unit communications director.

Note: Webtools and the Illinois app handle some events differently. Check the comparison tables for more details.

The checkbox for publishing a Webtools event in the Illinois app is set by default.
The checkbox for publishing a Webtools event in the Illinois app is set by default.

Use the Groups Feature

Group administrators can add events through the Groups feature in the Illinois app. Go to My Groups, select a group, and scroll to Upcoming Events. Tap the ⊕ on the right to create an event.