We invite researchers to submit projects for potential participant recruitment through the Illinois app or for stand-alone projects.
Recruitment through the Illinois App
Principal investigators first need to seek Institutional Review Board approval to use the Illinois app for participant recruitment. Once a project is approved, the investigator can then enter the name and details of the project in the Illinois app. App users can choose to fill out an interest form with demographic details that can be matched to research project criteria, and they will be invited to apply to participate in any relevant project. Participation is strictly voluntary, and users’ personal information and data stored in the Illinois app are never shared with researchers.
External Support
Grant funding allows us to expand community engagement and experiment with the Rokwire platform. External support has led to fresh approaches on these topics:
- Community youth development and mentoring
- Fatty liver disease
- Intimate partner violence
- Predictions about dining times
- Traumatic brain injury